Jeannette Kuda, MBA

Cups of Confidence graphic
Vice President, LPL Financial
You will face adversity and sometimes struggle throughout your career; these are opportunities to grow.

UNC Charlotte degree

MBA -  2014

Cup graphicFavorite cup

Regular brew with coconut creamer


Don’t waste your commute time; listen to podcasts. One suggestion is Hidden Brain.

Cup of Confidence

Jeannette Kuda imageRoll up your sleeves, jump in and for goodness sake, stop complaining! When you put negativity out into the world, you get back…wait for it… negativity! It is a vicious cycle that will keep you handcuffed to your misery. Go ahead and blame your company, your coworkers and your clients. You can even switch jobs or move to another city, but you will still be taking YOU along for the ride.

Let’s be realistic, they call it work for a reason. You will face adversity and sometimes struggle throughout your career; these are opportunities to grow. Try implementing these tips and you will find yourself moving on and maybe even moving up.

  • The first one is simple: be positive. Try to start noticing the positives; they are all around you but you just haven’t been focusing on them. Cut out the negative talk and fill it in with the positive stuff.
  • Do not get pulled down into the muck by a negative coworker. If you are identifying with this article, then I would guess you have a partner in crime, someone you feed off of and complain with during your day. I say be straight and just tell her or him you are trying to be more positive and ask to curb the negative chat.
  • Be solution oriented. I am not trying to be unrealistic here and I know you will face challenges. If you have legitimate items that need to be addressed, complaining is the worst strategy to get the help you need. Your reaction to adversity is the key item that will cast your career fate. Try coming up with a solution to the problem. People may not embrace all your ideas, but over time you will be sought out for your strategies and seen as a leader.

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