Jennifer Pollino

Cups of Confidence graphic
Executive Coach/Consultant, JMPollino LLC
Take yourself out of your comfort zone – try something new (job, project, sport, read something different, relocate).

cupFavorite cup

Bold, strong coffee, Peet’s is a favorite, with half and half, and a sprinkling of raw sugar.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith


Jennifer PollinoCup of Confidence

Keep learning every day, because the only constant in life is change.  Continuous learning ensures you grow, allows you to keep moving forward and helps you confidently accept the opportunities that come your way. Learning is almost automatic and fairly easy and natural to do while you are in school and educators are charged with helping you learn.  As you move on, you will need to take a more active role in your creating your learning opportunities. 

Some ways to keep learning:

- Ask questions and always remain curious.
- Take yourself out of your comfort zone – try something new (job, project, sport, read something different, relocate).
- Create a development plan.
- Make mistakes and pick yourself up when you fall.  Develop resiliency.
- Unlearn, which can be challenging – try to get rid of a bad habit!
- Find a mentor and serve as a mentor, as you will learn from both roles and experiences.
- Ask for feedback.
- Consider hiring a coach.

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