Jessica Donan

Cups of Confidence graphic
Greenville Office Managing Partner & Mobility Assurance Market Segment Leader
The answer is always no until you ask.

cold cupFavorite cup

Ice-cold Coke Zero in my Yeti with pebble ice


Ask For It by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever


Jessica Donan photoCup of Confidence

We negotiate every day and many times don’t even realize it. It can be as simple as negotiating the time for a team meeting to negotiating a complex deal. However, every negotiation starts with an ask. In order to make the ask, you need to know what you want; but I would encourage you to think differently about what you want. Think about multiple scenarios that would in some way line up with what you want. Do your homework and be prepared with why you want what you want and how it is the best outcome for both parties. Then ask for it. Know that the more often you ask, the more comfortable you will be come with doing it; this skill will serve you personally and professionally for years to come.

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