Lea Marich

Cups of Confidence graphic
Project Coordinator, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Find someone who inspires you and ask for feedback.

UNC Charlotte degrees

Bachelor's degrees in Economics and Finance - 2016

Cup graphicFavorite cup

Classic latté (my mom makes the best)


What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness (TED Talk video)

Lea Marich photoCup of Confidence

It has been said before, but it bears repeating: attitude is everything. The transition from student to young professional is an exciting time that inevitably comes with its challenges, particularly in the workplace. In an environment where you will not always be the most experienced or knowledgeable, make your mark with a positive attitude. It is remarkable how fluidly this will translate to change adaptability and building collaborative relationships.

My second piece of advice would be to find someone who inspires you and ask for feedback. This may seem difficult at first, but taking the initiative to foster a constructive relationship will pay dividends. For tips on getting started, I recommend reading Sheryl Sandberg's chapter on mentor-mentee relationships in Lean In. In addition to being among the youngest, I also work in a male-dominated industry. I am fortunate to have found a mentor in my direct supervisor who provides me with invaluable personal and professional guidance. When I come to her with a problem, she has more often than not encountered a similar situation.

I also encourage asking as many questions as possible in whatever capacity that may be, from e-mailing someone on your floor for help with SQL or asking a manager to grab coffee and chat about his or her career path. It has generally been my experience that people are happy to help.

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This alumna is also available for career conversations on the Belk College Alumni Advisor Network.