What is confidence and how do you find it?

Cups of Confidence graphic
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Recommended readings from Charlotte professionals

Cups of confidence – what is confidence and how to achieve it

What is confidence exactly? And how do you build this important business trait?

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a Harvard Business School professor and author, describes confidence as "an assessment of a situation that sparks motivation." She describes ways to overcome major barriers that can hinder professionals - including self-doubt, perfectionism and more.

This week, Women in Business will be providing articles, information and resources to build confidence. 

We invite you to explore Cups of Confidence, which includes a recommendation from Charlotte business professionals. Here is a Cups of Confidence reading list, based on recommendations from mentors, professionals and leaders in the Charlotte business community. Explore these titles and tell us what you think!

You can help build this list and your own confidence. What are other resources you would add to this list for women business students?